The Mamanuca Islands are one of the major nesting sites for Hawksbill turtles. The Mana Turtle Pond receives a one year permit to nurture sick turtle and hatchlings. Apart from attracting visitors, the programme in the attempt to maximize survival rates, assisted in bringing back turtle population in Fiji, through the contribution of tourists towards turtle release programmes in the Mamanuca Group.
MES team continues its fortnightly monitoring for turtles to ensure full survival of these turtles. Unfortunately team comes across challenged as Hatchlings were affected with eye bacterial infection but it does not stop the team from contacting regional Vet’s for medication assistance. A group of international vet’s advices on what to consider when keeping turtles in rearing conditions.
Apparently Charles Manire, Director of Research and Rehabilitation of Loggerhead Marine Life Center shares information on how this infection can be solved. He prescribed eye ointments for these turtles where team took turns to monitor and assess turtle hatchlings health and engage in cleaning the pond. The team now has a medication kit for turtle medication expendables.
The teams also have time to advice marine attendants on the importance of ensuring that these turtles are given the best assistance to allow full survival. Continuous assessments and monitoring of this turtle has notified that these hatchlings are now well recovered as marine attendants are now on their toes in supervising their feeding time, cleanliness of pond and essentials of attendants when handling turtles.
The team will continue with its monitoring to ensure that these turtle gets full support before they are released back into their natural environment.