Climate change effects prevail in the Pacific including Fiji which is the reason behind the nationwide National Climate Change Week.
The Lautoka Forestry Department together with Mamanuca Environment Society were invited from Mamanuca schools to talk and create awareness on the effects of climate change for island schools to realise the contributions and impacts towards combating the inevitable phenomena.
“The week-long national program provides an opportunity to learn more about the effects of climate change. It is here to stay. There is no two-way about it. The impact of climate change is visible across the villages in the Mamanuca”, said Mr Beci Matai, Namamanuca Primary School Head teacher.
“Your participation is a reflection of your willingness to seek viable solutions together in addressing climate change week through Reduce Emission from Deforestation and Degraded Forest in the heart of Malolo,” said Mr Tikoilau Forestry Reforestation of Degraded Forest Project Officer in his key note speech.
Mr Tikoilau applaud the participation of island schools during the week. The two days programme were practical oriented engaging both students and teachers in awareness presentations, drawings, colourings, oratory contests, debates, speeches, costume parade and tree planting to showcase the adaptation measures towards climate change.
“Yanuya Island where Namamanuca School is located, is currently experiencing the impact of climate change. The coast line has eroded and has moved quickly inland closer to the school compound, said Jessie Matai, MES Education Awareness officer.
“We have visited the villages and have seen how climate change has affected island communities. Saltwater intrusion is a daily experience,” she said.
Also part of the programme was a special awareness program targeting parents and teachers on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation measures.
“Forest are in danger as we have witnessed the recent forest fire issues on the hills of Yanuya Village,” said Mr Tikoilau.
“Forest are being used for many purposes in sustaining ecological balance for our environment thus their survival is at stake as man, in his blind pursuit of wealth and power, is bent upon destroying them” he added. MES together with the Western Forestry Department reminded the students and parents to be aware of the devastating and detrimental effects of climate change
“Let’s not think of ourselves because deep down, we know that a better future and a better world to live in is all that we want,” concluded Mr Tikoilau.
The Yaubula Management Support Team of Yanuya Village worked closely with the Forestry Department and MES team during the two days and established the village agroforestry plot .