CLIMATE change issues have stirred fear among the local community, says University of the South Pacific scientist Elisabeth Holland.
In presenting causes and effects of climate change in today’s society, she said whenever issues of climate change were discussed, peoples’ first reaction was fear.
“Absolutely! People fear whenever we discuss climate change issues particularly with rising sea level,” Ms Holland said.
“The fact they are experiencing effects of climate change like having sea water flow into villages during high tide causes fear among the people,” she said.
“Even I feel that fear when I talk about effects of climate change and it’s not easy but we need to act now to save our environment.”
Ms Holland said the only way was to think of other options to save the planet for the future generation.
Fiji, she said was blessed with a lot of natural resources that could still be used to supplement usage of items such as gas and fossil fuel.
“We need to cut down dependancy on cars,” Ms Holland said.
“Although we may be a small country compared to developed countries, we can make our voices heard and set an example by cutting down usage of fossil fuel and other gasoline,” she said.
Visiting villages and settlements for awareness programs around the country has already started with her students.
Ms Holland said local people were aware of climate change and at least knew basic methods of controlling climate change.
“But we need to work together because they know traditional methods practised by their forefathers, which we don’t know.
“And we know scientific methods which they do not know and that is why it is important for us to work together,” Ms Holland said.
(Source: Fiji Times)