It is that time of the year when whales, particularly humpback whales, are spotted in the Pacific region. On one of our many trips to Yanuya village in the Mamanuca group of islands, onboard the Tiger IV vessel, a humpback whale was sighted. We had just passed Beachcomber Island heading towards Mana Island, when the whale was spotted. Judging from its size, it was a calf. The vessel stopped for a minute or two allowing every one on board, including tourists and locals, to capture the baby whale fluking and displaying its various fin maneuvers. For most, the opportunity to see a whale was such a blessing, at least it was for us the MES staff!

During the months of June to October each year, humpback whales are thought to be the most visible in the region. Like other species of whales, their migratory patterns are influenced by their feeding and mating seasons. Whales are not fish but are air breathing, warm blooded marine mammals. And like land mammals, they give birth to live offspring and have memory glands to suckle their young.