Vunavadra (native name) home to South Sea Island was a buzz at around 4pm on the 15th of April with approximately 132 hatchlings emerging from their nest and crawling towards the horizon. The hawksbill nester laid her eggs on the 15th of February, with the incubation period lasting 59 days.

The South Sea Island staffs were alerted of the hatchlings who then brought 3 large containers to house the hatchlings that have been collected with the intention of releasing them the next day. The collection of the hatchlings was for close monitoring and to determine health conditions under the Mamanuca Sea Turtle Conservation Project and were fed with   and small edible marine bivalve of the family Donacidae commonly known as Pipis. family. Monitoring of the hatchlings was carried out by the Reef Safari Dive staff, until the MES officers arrived to the island.


Upon arrival of the two MES officers the next day, all 132 hatchlings were assessed on their activeness that is their response to crawling, feeding and swimming. The hatchlings were also measured. All the hatchlings showed no signs of weakness. Once assessment was completed, the hatchlings were then released at 4pm with guests and staff much elated to participate in the release of the hatchlings by allowing the hatchlings to crawl down the beach. When the nest area was excavated, found that out of the total number live hatchlings only one egg remained unburned. The survival rate of hatchling on South Sea Island was recorded the highest during this years turtle hatchling season.